Fix Corrupted Drives with CMD

How to fix corrupted drives By Nhyira Solutions

Watch this tech tip on how to fix your broken or corrupted drives that are not showing.

Simple steps to follow. (I recommend you watch the video above to understand everything well)

  • Press and hold windows key and press R .
  • Type in CMD and press enter key.
  • Diskpart and press enter key (Click on yes on the administrative right prompt)
  • List disk
  • Select disk “1” (Replace the 1 with the corresponding drive number you are working on as shown to you on the List of drives.)
  • clean
  • create partition primary
  • active
  • format fs=fat32 quick
  • exit

Kindle leave your comments below to let us know your thoughts on this tech tip. Thank you..

4 thoughts on “Fix Corrupted Drives with CMD”

  1. Seth Afedzie Quaye Pages

    A lot of people call you computer 💻 wizard 🪄 but I can obviously say that you’re highly gifted with this….. Keep the fire burning and I’d like to introduce you to one of my people in Australia and we’ll see what we can do…it would be nice to have an ICT centre in our area so that you can be one of the lecturers in this reputable institution…. Bless up bro

  2. So is there any difference between this cmd formatting of drive procedure and normal clicking on format?

    1. Yes, there is. Using the CMD formatting deletes the whole partition and recreates it whiles the standard formatting just deletes the files.

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