Watch this video to learn the easiest way to create or divide your hard drives into volumes or partitions.
Find the cmd codes and steps used below.
- Windows key + R.
- Type “Diskpart” and press Enter
- Type “List Disk” and press Enter
- Select the disk you want to shrink or divide “Select disk(enter disk number)” and press enter
- Type “List volume” and press enter
- Select the volume you want to shrink or divide “Select Volume (enter volume number)” and press enter
- Type “Shrink desire=(enter the desired amount of space you want in MB conversion). and press enter
- Type “Create partition primary” and press enter
- Type ” Format fs=ntfs label=(name your new space) quick” and press enter
- Type ” assign” and press enter.
- Congratulation. You’re done.
- Watch the video to follow up with the second Tutorial..
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